Garden notes 2

Everything is very slow in the garden this year as it has been so cold.

A friend and I went to “Baskets and Blooms” at the end of April and bought plants. I got a saxifrage, a forsythia and some bedding plants. The saxifrage was put in almost immediately.

Plants I bought – except saxfrage which was already in the ground

The forsythia went in quite quickly too but the bedding plants were kept in a sheltered corner next to the house until the frosts stopped. They were then planted out but haven’t needed watering as there has been plenty of rain and they seem to be doing alright.

The wisteria has at last come into flower. It has got more flowers than last year, so my pruning must have been not too bad.

Wisteria in bloom

I have planted dwarf French beans but they have been very slow to germinate and only 3 are really making progress.

Dwarf French beans

Radishes were planted and some did eventually germinate. A second batch have also germinated.

I am trying mangetout this year. Some of those outside germinated and I also planted a couple inside to get them going and they have come up.

Mangetout from inside
Mangetout outside

There was also a row of carrots but the seed was very old and I wasn’t expecting much. I noticed that a few do seem to be just about coming through now.

Not in the garden, but last year’s amaryllis has come back into flower which is a lovely bonus and the banana tree I re-potted has produced a baby. When it gets big enough I will give it a pot of its own so I have a spare!

Last year’s amaryllis back in flower

So? I hope it will get warmer so everything will grow better!

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