New glasses and tiny piece jigsaw

Having had my eyes tested I ordered and then collected my new glasses.  The close sight in my left eye has got so bad that the NHS contributed to the cost of them – all of £37-40!  When I got them they didn’t seem quite right, but the girl persuaded me that it was because…

Keep up with Sudoku!

I was given a Sudoku book for my birthday with one to do each day – so I have to keep up! There was about a month to catch up with first, so I did the right day and then managed to do extra, so within a week or two I was up to date….

A quick family visit

My oldest nephew, being in England from Spain for 2 weeks and on the way from Bristol to Chichester, asked if he and his family could come to lunch as I am sort of on the way and a good stopping point.  I naturally said yes, as I haven’t seen them for a year and…

A different Christmas

As I still have shingles and my 17 year old nephew has not had chicken-pox, it was thought better not to spend Christmas with my brother’s family.  Chicken-pox when you are older and working hard for A-levels is no fun!  So I stayed at home.  This has several advantages, notably that I get to go…

Another University Get-together

This year we stayed at the Greetham Valley Golf Club which, as well as 2 and a half golf courses, is a hotel and conference centre in Rutland.  I decided it was too far for me to drive, so went by train and was very kindly picked up at Peterborough by a couple who were…

Try to make the most of the last warm days

As I can’t do much while I have still got shingles (I get too tired) and I have a friend who also is not too well and can’t do much, we have been having a few pleasant hours together trying to enjoy the (last of?) the warm weather.  We get in my car and I…

Get Shingles

This started with a pain on my right side on a Monday afternoon/evening which I assumed would go away overnight – as many things do.  It didn’t.  So I gave it another night then phoned the doctors on the Wednesday and they phoned back.  After discussing it they said come in at about 3.30, which…

Another 50th Birthday

One of my newer friends had a 50th birthday and invited me to join her and others for a meal in town to help her celebrate.  She had booked a table at Wildwood and we met there at about 7.30. We were introduced to those we didn’t know, had drinks and…… ……and we selected our…

“Let’s go fly a kite”

Having failed to get to my great-niece’s birthday – so I still had the present – and as my niece has been talking about bringing her children to Old Sarum for over a year, we eventually planned that.  The aim was to have a picnic there, with both of us providing different food.  She sent…

Yet another holiday at Haytor

This was the holiday I booked when ‘hf booking’ said that none of the ones I wanted were available!  They didn’t tell me then, or in any of the information that was sent, that that the hotel – Moorlands – had been sold and hf would be using it but with different management and ideas…