Getting Extra Loft Insulation

More loft insulation came as part of the “green deal” with the new boiler.  I had to remove everything from the loft, but there wasn’t much in there as I haven’t lived in this house very long.  What worried me was the boarding, as it was too heavy to move and I knew that it…

Singing at the Food Festival

The Coffee Choir had been invited to sing at the “cafe” set up in the Crown Court room in the Guildhall on the Sunday of the Food Festival.  Initially we were to do 2 sets, but as the number of songs Fiona was happy with was quite small, that changed to 3 sets:  at 12.45,…

First cut of the new lawn

Having spent hours watering the new lawn, to make sure the turf  “took” and waited to make sure that it really had done so, the grass had grown long and it was time to cut it. It needed doing when I got back from my holiday, but I was rather busy on the first two…

Fitting a new boiler

As I intend to have a new kitchen fitted, eventually, it seemed sensible to have a new boiler first.  The old boiler was the age of the house (about 20 years) and I had been sent a letter from the people who service it saying that they might no longer be able to get parts….

Holiday in France

Last year, my bother asked if I would like to go on holiday with his family in France.  Having decided that 2 weeks was too long, I had to work out if I could get there or get back without too much difficulty.  This turned out to be easier (for me) than I thought it…