Housegroup end of term barbecue

I am not usually that keen on barbecues, but with the very hot weather we have been having, I thought it might be quite nice to go to this as it was our end of term social.  And it was good.

D had got the barbecue going before we got there, so we avoided all the smoke and ‘getting it lighted’ problems.  B and D had also put chairs outside under a tree, so it was nice and shady.  We all (10  of us) brought food, and as well as the usual chicken joints, sausages and burgers (with all possible things to go with them), someone had brought some excellent kebabs.  There were 2 green salads, a tomato salad, various types of crisps and H provided his pasta salad special – which is a meal in itself.  As well as pasta, I found bacon, cheese, peppers, tomatoes and I am sure there were other things, but I enjoy the the combination too much to remember exactly what.  Then we had some yummy ice-cream (Waitrose special) afterwards, which provided an excellent finish.

So apart from the food what was so good?  Being outside and cool in the very hot weather, was one and also the good and easy company (we know each other quite well) and conversation.  After we had all finished eating, K and H provided a Bible Quiz game – to show that we are church linked, maybe?  It was supposed to be done in 2 teams, but we decided to do it all together.  On cards, there were given categories and we had to find the ten answers given.  This was not necessarily easy, as we had right answers that weren’t on the card, so they didn’t count!  For example, they had one category of “Cities in the Bible”, where Nazareth was right (K argued strongly that this was a village not a city), but Caesarea  and Damascus were not included.  Some of the answers were a bit obscure, too – “jawbone of an ox” as a “weapon in the Bible” – OK that was Samson, but where is “a dart” and why didn’t they include “a tent peg” if they are into being obscure?  Anyway we had a good time guessing what was on the cards and working out the last ones (with heavy hints from the person holding the card) until it got too dark to read the answers.  A different and amusing diversion!

Altogether a very pleasant evening to finish off the term.

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