Have a family Christmas

I went to Cambridge, to my brother’s, for Christmas.  I was invited as they all apparently behave better if I am there and don’t argue so much!  I don’t think they did argue – well not early in the morning as I was usually one of the first up, but they could have done after…

Go to the Charity shop Christmas meal.

This is held at a local pub or restaurant – a pub this year.  It was actually the same place as last year, but I didn’t go then as I hadn’t been working at the shop for very long. We had to decide if we wanted to go a few weeks before-hand and then had…

Play with great-nieces and great-nephew

Please note how this is phrased!  I don’t really “do” looking after, but playing is fun……. It is a drive of about an hour and a quarter to visit my great-nephew and oldest great-niece and a two hour train journey to visit the younger great-niece.  Guess which I see most often? In a recent visit…

Have a (too?) busy week

Why busy?  Well, mostly because I did about 7 ¾ extra hours for the Trussell Trust in one week.  Tesco had arranged a collection for the foodbanks for Friday, Saturday and Sunday and it was also the week that all the Christmas boxes had to be checked so they could go in the truck for Bulgaria…

Go to an orchestral concert

My friend’s husband – well, I suppose he has become a friend too – plays in the Salisbury Symphony Orchestra and they were giving a concert, so I went along, partly to keep my friend company and partly because it is ages since I have been to a concert.  They were playing “Vocalise” by Rachmaninov,…

Learning the “Community Messiah”

I think Handel’s Messiah is great and is something that I have enjoyed listening to – or part of it, anyway.  And I don’t listen to that much music.  I have never even considered that I could sing it (apart from joining in, badly, probably wrongly, with any part, when playing it at home) as…

Reading my Father’s letters from World War II (The Middle East)

My father was posted to the Middle East (and East Africa) during the war and wrote to his mother as regularly as he could – usually once a week.  His mother kept all the letters and they must have been passed back to him.  We found them when we were clearing out my mother’s house…

No longer redundant!

I have got my “job” back at the Trussell Trust!  It is not quite the same, as the paid receptionist is still there, but I am doing the reception to give her time to really get on with the administration work that she has to do.   I go in later and will also leave…


Having sorted out a structure of things to do each week there is still lots of time left to fill.  One of the things I have been doing is knitting.  I mostly do this when listening to the radio – unless I have some ironing to do, which is also best done when listening to…