Too much cake!

So – it was my birthday again…..on Saturday.

The Tuesday before, in the charity shop, I was given, among other things, an individual  cake with a candle on top.

On the Thursday, I was given (along with cards, flowers, a plant) a sponge cake – with one candle on top.  I took it home as there was no-one who wanted cake in the morning.  I should have left it there, as there were more people who would have appreciated it in the afternoon!  Instead, I took 3 slices to have as dessert when I had lunch with a friend and her husband on Saturday.  She had intended to make another cake, so I managed to stop her in time,  BUT we had éclairs with our morning coffee!

Then on Saturday afternoon I had tea with a friend and she provided 4 cupcakes.  As she doesn’t eat them I had one and left her one and she told me to take the other 2 home…..

That was 3 cakes (or pieces) I ate in one day!

With over half a sponge cake and 2 cupcakes, I decided that I would never eat them all before they went off, so took a large chunk of sponge cake to the “family meet up” and gave it to my niece to share with her husband and children.  In fact I think her children didn’t get any but her brother and partner got some instead.  Still got quite a lot of cake left, though.

Cake left by Sunday afternoon.
Cake left by Sunday afternoon.

I got even more cake (as well as a card and roses) the next Thursday from someone who had not been at the café the week before.  She seemed to think that a fairy cake would be least appropriate for me so got that one!  I did give quite a lot away this time though, to friends who came in.

Cake left at the end of the day at the cafe.
Cake left at the end of the day at the café.

Can one have too much cake?  Yes!  But I did actually appreciate the thoughts behind and effort involved in producing it.

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